This award recognizes the contributions of young professionals to the International Water, Air & Soil Conservation Society . This award is presented annually to the Young Professional whose contributions to the environmental conservation most deserve recognition. The award consists of a plaque suitably inscribed with the recipient’s name.
Nominee must be a member of the International Water, Air & Soil Conservation Society, be 35 years of age or younger, and have 5 or less years of experience in any environmental organization or institute at the time of nomination. The nominee must meet the above requirements until at least November 2017. The nominee should demonstrate strong contributions to enhancing the activities of the International Water, Air & Soil Conservation Society, including stimulation of membership, contributions to INWASCON Committees, and/or improvement in the fundamental knowledge of environmental protection and conservation, and research on issues important to protect environment.
Nomination form (required),
One page biography of the nominee
Specific reasons for nomination (one page maximum)
Any other supporting material required under criteria or that you feel would be helpful in the selection process.
Application form should submit by email, fax or post to:
Award Nomination
C2-2-3, Block 2, CBD Perdana 3,
Persiaran Cyberpoint Timur,
Cyber 12, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor.
Selection Process: Nominations will be reviewed by the Executive Committee and forwarded with recommendation to the full Board of Directors.
Questions: Please contact Us, by calling +603 – 8687 9842 or emailing
NOTE: Email subject line must read AWARDS.