We encourage open and objective discussion of technical and professional subjects, and our publications shall contain no judgmental remarks or opinions as to the technical competence, personal character, or motivations of any individual, company, or group. Any material that, in the publisher’s opinion, does not meet the standards for objectivity, pertinence, and professional tone will be returned to the contributor with a request for revision before publication.
The International Water, Air & Soil Conservation Society INWASCON is a global organization that promotes technology dissemination in the upstream environmental conservation. Meetings and publications are the main INWASCON activities through which technical knowledge is disseminated, and both are governed by approval and review policies administered through committees of the INWASCON Board of Directors. This Publications Policy is administered by the Board Committee on Print and Electronic Media.
Substantial value and credibility is added to any publication produced under the INWASCON name and/or logo. The Board has adopted this policy to ensure that all publications associated with the INWASCON name and logo through the international INWASCON, any of its legal subsidiaries, or any of its units (such as sections) follow standards set forth in this policy. No member, section, student chapter, or region is authorized to use the INWASCON name and/or logo on any publication without following this policy.
We require transfer of copyright for all our publications, including conference proceedings. This allows us to distribute publications throughout the world by print and electronic means, to create translations and reuse them in reprint collections.
- No paper can be presented at an INWASCON conference unless a signed copy transferring copyright is received by INWASCON before the manuscript due date.
- If you are employed and prepared this paper within the scope of your employment, the original copyright to the paper belongs to your employer.
- If you sign the form, we assume you are authorized to do so by your employer and that your employer has consented to the transfer of copyright, to the representation and warranty of publication rights, and to all other terms and conditions of the form.
- If such authorization and consent has not been given you, an authorized representative of your employer should sign this form in the space provided for the Author.
- Always use the form provided in the author kit for the conference as wording may vary for some jointly sponsored meetings.
- No modifications or substitutions will be accepted and we do not accept a license to distribute in place of full transfer of copyright.
Transfer of copyright does not affect the underlying intellectual property or concepts, which remain with the author or the employer. Authors and their employers retain certain rights for reuse of the material.
Copyright during Peer Review
- We require that authors provide a temporary transfer of copyright to facilitate the peer review process.
- If the paper is accepted for publication, a permanent transfer of copyright will be required.
- The author must agree not to submit the paper for review or publication elsewhere while under review by INWASCON.
- If the paper is not accepted for publication, full copyright will revert to the original owner, for papers that did not originate at an INWASCON conference.
We expect authors to credit all sources used in their writings and not to represent work of others as their own. Authors found to have plagiarized the work of another are subject to having their paper removed from the conference program and from INWASCON. Future submissions from authors found to have plagiarized will be scrutinized carefully. In the case of students found to be plagiarizing the work of others, INWASCON may inform the student’s university.
- Permissions Procedure
- Copyright allows us to perform a valuable service for our industry. INWASCON copyrights save you from needing to locate the authors to request permission; INWASCON can provide permission. To defray our costs, fees apply to certain types of use, especially those that are commercial in nature. INWASCON uses Copyright Clearance Center’s RightsLink licensing solution for reuse permissions. This allows you to immediately determine the fees and to complete the transaction online.
NO Paper No Podium Policy
INWASCON meetings have a “No Paper, No Podium” policy. If an abstract is accepted to a conference, the author will be required to submit a manuscript by the deadline date. If a manuscript is not submitted, the paper will be withdrawn from the program and the author will not be allowed to present at the conference. All presented manuscripts will become an official record in INWASCON s permanent technical paper archive.
No Presentation Policy
The failure of INWASCON conference authors to have at least one designated individual present the paper at the conference will result in the conference paper being permanently withdrawn from the INWASCON technical paper archive.
Conference Dual Submission Policy
Authors will be allowed to submit abstracts to only one conference at a time. An abstract must be declined by a program committee prior to being submitted to another conference for consideration. In the event it is detected that an abstract has been submitted to more than one conference, all versions/copies of that abstract will be removed from consideration.
Any paper previously presented at a conference and published may not be re-submitted for publication at another INWASCON conference. The author may present the subject matter at subsequent conferences at the invitation of the program committee, but the paper will not be included in the conference proceedings.
Corrections Requests
To best serve attendees, SPE makes its Proceedings available on the first day of the conference. To ensure that these Proceedings provide a quality version of each paper, authors are asked to review their manuscript carefully for errors and get all required company approval(s) prior to uploading a manuscript.
If, for legal or other reasons, it is imperative that a paper NOT appear in the Proceedings, the author must contact the INWASCON Conference Program Lead immediately and provide a detailed explanation of why the paper must be withdrawn. The paper will be pulled, as requested.
If an author has a correction that needs to be made to a submitted manuscript, the corresponding author should submit the correction information. A USD 50 fee will be charged for the processing of the updated version.
Please note that any corrections made will only apply to the version of the manuscript online only. It will not apply to the version of the paper made available on an event app, if applicable.
Correction requests will take up to two weeks to be processed and uploaded.