Abstract Submission Template
Title of Manuscript
Type the title of the manuscript in bold type, single-spaced, and centered across the top of the first page, in 14-point Times New Roman, as shown above.
The author(s), affiliation(s), mailing address(es), and e-mail address(es) should be single-spaced and centered on the lines below the title, in 11-point Times New Roman, as illustrated below. As shown below, please do not add titles (e.g., Dr., Professor, or Dean) before the author name(s).
First Author Namea, Second Author Namea and Third Author Nameb*
aDepartment of XXX, XXX University,
Street, City, Country
bInstitute of XXX, XXX University,
Street, City, Country
*Corresponding Author: author@xxx.edu
Immediately following the names of the author(s), type Abstract in first capital, align left, 12-point Times New Roman. Include a one-paragraph abstract of approximately 150 to 500 words in 11-point Times New Roman, summarizing the purpose and findings of the research. At the end of the abstract, double-space and include a line with “Keywords,” as shown below.
Keywords: Manuscript format, INWASCON, RAZI PUBLISHING, style guide